Released in stores worldwide in multiple languages beginning on July 1, 2003, it includes new units for each race, two new auxiliary races, four campaigns, five neutral heroes (an additional neutral hero was added April 2004 and two more were added in August 2004), the ability to build a shop and various other improvements such as the ability to queue upgrades. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne is the official expansion pack to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, requiring Reign of Chaos to play. The developers also worked hard on the world editor, added new tools to it and gave players even more freedom in terms of creating maps.The official expansion pack patch from Blizzard Entertainment But the re-release of Warcraft 3 Reforged includes 62 tasks from all the add-ons that were created, which is as much as 40 hours of uninterrupted gameplay and more than 4 hours of screensavers for missions and tasks.

However, the main gameplay functions remained in place. So, firstly, the location of the interface and the buttons themselves changed, secondly, the maps were significantly changed, and thirdly, artificial intelligence was completely redesigned. The interface and gameplay were also affected.

Animation videos, plot scenes, animations of characters - everything was rewritten from scratch. As for the screensavers and cut scenes, their number is slightly increased, and the screensavers themselves were completely and completely rewritten.

Another equally important point is that the developers finally listened to the numerous appeals of fans who discovered inaccuracies and non-linearities in the development of the plot, and slightly corrected the plot.